Date: September 14th 2010
A.C.T.S. BOA Meeting Minutes – September 9, 2010
Present: Roe Brooks, Al Trefry, Fred and Carol Schaeffer, and Jack Denman on Skype
Absent due to a family commitment: Brad Small and Beverly Fernandez due to illness.
We opened with prayer by Jack Denman on Skype
ACTION POINT: Roe Brooks started with a report on his visit to Grace Chapel and the Missions Committee representative, and gave Fred a CD on Rev Jim Ennis and his sermon to follow up. Roe met with the secretry of the Missions Committee and recommended Fred follow it up with an invite and materials.. Al Trefry welcomed us to the Byfield Parish Church. Fred opened with the regards of Brad who could not be here because of his son’s hockey match in N.H. Brad has a burning desire to get the word out about 10/1 6.
ACTION POINT: Fred showed the draft of the flyer to Jack Denman via Skype, the 4 page prayer letter in color with the nice Australian map with Roe Brooks in it and a good front page of the celebration with a invitation and a RSVP. Then, the 2 page flyer for a bulletin insert. Roe encouraged us to widely distribute the excellent materials.
ACTION POINT: Roe had the idea that the one with the church on it could be the bulletin board insert, showing it b/w and for 80 couples, in color. On the front page Carol is presenting a Bible, a young man is holding a Bible, and other examples of giving out the Bible. Fred then discussed with Jack more avenues of the distribution of the 10/16 materials through the Pastor’s Banquet and other Gideon meetings.
ACTION POINT: Fred than asked Roe, Jack, Eva, and Alan the amount of flyers each person needed for their own church and friends, etc.
ACTION POINT: Fred then discussed getting the flyers into Beverly Nazarene with an approval from Pastor Kim and an insertion into the Byfield Parish Church. Fred then talked about Gideon Earl and Judy Kenney and asked Jack Denman to follow them up.
ACTION POINTS: Byfield Parish Men’s Retreat – Sat 9/18, Alan, Fred and Fred H. to attend and hand out invitations and talk to the men about the 10/16 event. Mention this date to Brad to see if he is attending.
ACTION POINT: We talked about the various electronic medias available to share the Sat, 10/16 Celebration: do it in Skype, Face-book, Alan Trefry to send cell phone instant messaging via Skype before the 10/16 and perhaps once before that.
ACTION POINT: The discussion went into emailing to churches to display the flyer for their bulletin board with a driving time around 40 minutes from Wenham,MA. We would make up 30 packets and mail them to Jack Denman and others. A.C.T.S. has made contact with some but not all churches and will make a first priority effort of mailing to the pastor.
ACTION POINTS: Roe Brooks had an idea that some people would telephone their contacts for a small amount of money, 30 contacts for example for $15.00, or .50 a contact. After she/he has made the contact, she gives us the name of the people who could attend or find people who are workers and they could become partners in the ministry. They would be calling in their area or a local phone area and then paying someone to do would be a possibility to get more people aware of the night. A subsequent email detailing the calling process is attached from Roe Brooks.
ACTION POINT: Alan spoke about another approach, calling John from station WROL radio, and telling them about ACTS, and perhaps he would discuss this celebration on his station.
ACTION POINT: Fred mentioned talking to Taylor Armeding at Salem Evening News about the Sunday, Sept 12 meeting and the Oct 16 celebration. Taylor has gone to the feature editors and religious editor, and maybe something will happen there. Fred and Alan agreed that personal contact is the most effective way of moving Christians to the event.
ACTION POINT: Alan mentioned WEZE advertising an event and then found the literature in his church and concluded by saying that hearing it on the radio, seeing the literature, and listing the web site made him and his wife to attend a function. Group decided all literature we print should have ACTS web site.
ACTION POINT DISCUSSION: The event Celebration flyer 10/16 states no charge for this event but we need RSVP’s by 9/30 for catering purposes. Jack Denman commented that perhaps a mention of “a free will donation would be appreciated at the food and exit areas.” Alan Trefry agreed. Roe Brooks mentioned saying “if you enjoyed this evening, please make a free will donation with a basket near the door to defray the expenses” a retiring offering. Alan and Jack both believed that no mention of a number should be the practise. All fund raising will be done during the program portion of the event.
Alan Trefry talked about the early historical financial strains that the Congregational Church went through and the head taxes were stopped. The Congregationalists were in a tremendous problem. In 1970’s they used to have fairs and made the budget. People got tired of doing it. So all wondered what do we do to raise the budget and they asked Bill Boylan about it and he said “that he believe that we should take God at his word and let us not concern ourselves about raising the budget. Let’s not ask the public to support our ministry and let our people to do that. pledging to the Lord what they should give. As far as we are concerned, let us make plans, and let it be up to the Lord. They realised that the pastor’s salary is in it.” In conclusion, if this work is of the Lord, He will deliver what ACTS need.
ACTION POINT ON FINANCES FOR ACTS CELEBRATION: Fred: we are going on this by faith to have this celebration and the reason is that we have a calling for a Christ-like Australia to capture this continent for Christ. ACTS has unpaid volunteer Christians and we are trying to extend their reach by giving them Bibles and fuel for their auto. So, how do we get 540 people seated in their seats and give them an opportunity to give to a ministry that prays for, wins, teaches and sends people?
CHALLENGE: The problem is that we have visited 8 churches now, and people have been generous in giving but not one person has responded to signing up to $39/month to sponsor a volunteer evangelist. The need is there but the whole concept of working with native missionaries is somehow not been effective in communicating this concept. We have to prayerfully work this out before October 16. The way I propose to explain it is that we can help Australia be Christ-like and Southeast Asia to be captured for Jesus through prayer to soften upon the mission field and be supportive of these volunteer evangelists visits to the areas we are praying for. That is the simple way those who care for the unsaved millions in Australia and bi llions in Asia can help.
ACTION POINT ACTS MINISTRY CONCEPT: Roe: Bill Bright would sign his letters by saying “fulfilling the great commission”. “Best to say with God’s and your help we can do this... You could get a back lash; you have to say “you are part of a greater team”. You have to say “this is what God has done and we want to share it with you. We need prayer ministry people, and we can appeal and get people to help God do the great commission. Focus on the calling of A.C.T.S., similar the same as St. Paul, to evangelise on unevangelized areas. We need ministry partners for working on revival. We are working on new areas. &nbs p;Fred is an evangelist and uses the Gideon Bibles in un-evangelized mission areas. We are just not making Christians and churches but working in an area that needs primal help. We have to be clear on this.”
Fred: Most of Australia is still an un-evangelized country where people do not know about God.
ACTION POINT: ACTS MINISTRY CONCEPT/ROLE: Roe: A.C.T.S. is a ministry to win people, train them, and send them. There are fellowship ministries but A.C.T.S. is a win, build and send ministry. Fred has to paint a picture for them of A.C.T.S. as a win, build and send ministry. This is what we present to people. ACTS is not a water project, a translation project. A.C.T.S. is a win, build, send mission ministry. God has called you, Fred, to do this win, build and send ministry. Just as St. Paul broke into the Roman culture, Fred has to b reak into an anti Christian culture about a God they do not know. God touched Paul and he told them what happened to him, and opened the Christian aspect to the Jews. A.C.T.S. is applying the primal church with methods Paul used Timothy but Titus was used for discipleship in Crete and told them to set up elders.
ACTION POINT, ACTS & THE GIDEONS: Fred talked to Jack about getting the point across to address the resistance of only giving a small amount for a few Bibles for Australia. Or, to make contact with more New England Gideon’s to help with distributing Bibles to men, women and children through the A.C.T.S. ministry.
ACTION POINT ON SUPPORT FROM CHURCHES: Roe: If supporting churches, would advertise a mission project for the ACTS program. Just as we send out youth groups around the world, if the churches would know there are projects to be done with ACTS. They could pray about and go and encourage more people to get church mission boards and develop camaraderie and for those people connected through a church they could pray for the next year.
ACTION POINT; SKYPE: Al, Jack, Fred and all discussed the problem ongoing connection through Skype and the in house Australian volunteer people (i.e Maddens, Dennis Jerrard and Corrine Pennay) for example. Each American Prayer in Action Warrior and or donor is one cell and we want to multiply ourselves.
ACTION POINT: Next Meeting: Tuesdays okay with Eva, Schaeffers, Alan Trefry, but we will plan next Thursday night at 6:00 pm, Sept 16 at Byfield Parish. We need Brad but he cannot make Thursday at 7:00 pm so we are trying 6:00 pm, for next Thursday, maybe he can make an earlier time. Eva will be out of state on vacation on September 16.
Prayer Requests: Fred H. is still not applying for jobs. Blair is still up in the air concerning his family. Roe has the same family situations. Sylvia is recuperating and it will take her 6-8 weeks to heal and for Russ to heal from his diabetes, Roe’s son’s feet cartilage need to be healed, and for Roe, travelling mercies. Roe prayed. Meeting ended at 9:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Carol Schaeffer
Roe Brooks Calling suggestions 9 2010
You may find it helpful to start the reservation process by phoning some on your list in the Gordon College area. Those you contact may also become “phoners”.
I would say: "This is_____________(name). I am phoning to tell you that we are planning a celebration of what God has done in twenty years of ministry in Australia. The celebration will be nearby at Gordon College. This will be on Saturday, Oct. 16th from 2-4 in the afternoon. I thought you would like to come so I am phoning you before our letter comes out this week." (Give time for them to respond.)
Continue if necessary to say: "Does that date look like a possibility?"
Ask more questions by saying: "XYZ is on my list and lives near you, do you know them?" If there is a positive response, ask: "Would you like to tell them about this?" (Mark down their willingness to call XYZ. and give them the phone number.) NOTE: This person could become a “phoner” of others and also church promoter, which would be indicated when you called back in a couple of days to find out if they called and what happened.)
Keep your script and phone listings in front of you as you call. Mark the enthusiastic with stars, etc. If necessary, ask a church if they have a phone you might use for local calls. Let me know if you have questions. God Bless, Roe
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