A.C.T.S. is an evangelistic volunteer movement focused on a Christ-like Australia/Asia by facilitating the development of Christian families, enterprises, communities and nations through the development of multi racial, interdenominational action prayer groups.
The “lost continent’s” 22 million and Asia’s 3 billion people need the Savior. Revival began in Australia in 2007 and has grown to 14 Aboriginal “outback” and 7 multicultural east coast communities.
We believe that Prime Minister John Howard’s declaration of the widespread and systemic sexual abuse of Aboriginal children in the outback as a “national emergency at the level of Katrina” in June 2007 followed by Australia’s investment exceeding $2 billion to exercise their duty of care is an act of God. By Prime Minister Rudd opening of Parliament with a first time apology for the Government’s actions to separate Aboriginal families, millions of Australians were most encouraged.
We believe this is God’s movement in Australia, comparable to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 or South Africa’s end of apartheid in 1994. It is an answer to mammoth united prayers encouraged by A.C.T.S. since 1991. Australia’s acute selfishness hinders the salvation of the most isolated, separated and neglected people in history, their fellow Australians, and their relatives/neighbors throughout Asia. Winning the Aboriginal people to Jesus is essential to a Christlike Australia/Asia. Christianity is growing more rapidly amongst the Aborigines in Australia and Asia than in the rest of the population.
God’s movement in Australia provides A.C.T.S. the important opportunity to develop and resource our rapidly growing network of 152 Action Prayer Volunteer Evangelists and Families tied to Christian leaders, churches, prayer/youth groups, enterprises and communities along Australia’s coast.
They will be encouraged to outreach through the most accessible Aboriginal communities to Australia’s spiritual center in and around Alice Springs N.T. In the next 8 years A.C.T.S. envisions the transformation of Australia into a Christ-like nation aided by a united network of 900 A.C.T.S Prayer in Action Families supported by their cross-racial and interdenominational prayer in action partners in Africa, China, Europe, North America, Papua New Guinea, South Korea and South Sea Islands. A Christlike Australia is essential to capturing Asia, which contains an indigenous Christian network, for Jesus.

A.C.T.S. 2012-30 Outreach Plan focuses on prayerfully producing A.C.T.S. Prayer Warriors, Volunteer Evangelists, Families and One Family Gatherings in 25,000 Aboriginal communities across Australia/Asia. A.C.T.S.15,700+ Action Prayer Warriors along with compassionate Christians and organizations on five continents who seek to unify families and communities in Christ. Importantly, A.C.T.S. objective of a Christ-like Australia/Asia aided by a unified prayer evangelism network supported by the whole body of Christ requires us to significantly expand A.C.T.S. volunteer organization, Australian/Asian outreach, worldwide prayer evangelism network, and budget in each of the next 18 years.