Dear A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partner,
We thank God and you so much for all your action prayer and help. You are always willing to pray there for A.C.T.S. whenever we ask you. For some people being in ministry is a way of living and serving the Lord. Thanks for being such a kind-hearted person, especially for Aboriginals 4 – 14 year olds. Surely you are precious in God’s sight.
You had the call: “For many are called but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14)
You were chosen: “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you..that you should go and bring fruit, and that your fruit should remain.” (John 15:16)
You have a commitment: “…God has chosen, you…” (1st Corinthians 1:27-29)
“You have made a choice: “…choose you this day whom you will serve.” (Joshua 24:15)
We thank you for being God’s servant during these terrible times.
A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists News
Arthur and Gaidra Gower began their ministry trip visiting Hughenden, Boulia with an outreach meeting. Bedourie had its first church service in 10 years! The Mt Isa meeting with Christian Outreach Church, Tenant Creek opened the door to minister to the Aboriginal community in town. Plans are being made for return to the towns and communities to hold Outreach meetings to set up home groups. Their ministry has been blessed with contacts and offers of assistance.
David Fletcher shares the story of the gifting of a Mark booklet to a couple in Adelaide and they came back requesting more!
Rachel Borneman is beginning to record the Bible in the Kriol language. She has finished her Cert II in Family and Wellbeing. She is also planning a Weemol Bush Camp for the September Holidays. Rachel Kendino is in ministry here as well.
Please pray and praise with us for the A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists specific concerns of:
- Increasing of opportunities to minister to people and lead them into the kingdom, raising up believers and discipling them as they grow.
- David Fletcher as he seeks personal revival through the holy spirit, prayer for family
reconciliation, and for opportunities for ministry throughout the region. Praise for
the provision of resources and open hearts of receivers. - The provision of local evangelists, pastors, mentors, teachers and Christian friends for Australia’s new Christians especially Aboriginal 4-14 year olds so that they may be brought to maturity in Christ.
- Praise our God for His blessing and provisions of cash, maintenance, fuel and tyres for the vehicle, and clothing for the Gower Ministry trip. Praising for the many contacts being made and the support from the smooth planning for future outreach.
- Rachel Borneman to have smooth technical and logistics, and planning for a Weemol bush camp in planning for September/October.
- Jen Keatch’s ministry in Darwin. That the children will be protected and develop close relationship with the Lord, protection from influences of witchcraft in the community, development of positive links with NT Aboriginal communities encouraging raising up in the Lord.
- John Beck’s daughter, Ashima. (WA) Thank you for his ministry to children.
- The family members of evangelists make a choice to the Lord.
- The Provision of administrative support to the A.C.T.S. ministry and the funding needed to continue the vital ministry to support our Evangelists.
Nigel Davies and his ministry to Alice Springs and Katherine and Willowra, N.T. as he reached out for Christ to all the communities sharing Bibles, having church and showing the “Jesus for Children” DVD on a screen attached to his vehicle!
- Pray for people experiencing domestic violence in communities. That a new way of thinking will make it unacceptable. Pray also for those who abuse alcohol that they may find hope in Jesus instead!
- Ada Boland asks for continued health and trusting the Lord for finances, that the ministry will increase with God given wisdom, knowledge and guided strategies.
- The breaking of the drought still affecting SW Queensland region.
- Pastors, leaders and board members of the Living Kingdom church.
- Gloria Miller in the development of ministry at the Harmony centre in Armadale WA. be fruitful and that God will pour out the blessing on the community to draw them to know Him.
- Recovery of a girl attacked by an axe and prayer for her continued recovery.
- Health and fitness for all evangelists to enable their ministry as they distribute Bibles, DVDs and booklets.
- Victoria Vildzius for peace in her workplace and for her friend who battles addiction.
- Wayne and Fred Thomas as they settle into their new role as dorm parents at Kalamundi College.
If you would like to us to pray for you confidentially or contribute news or prayer concerns for next week’s newsletter, please contact Tracey Carlson, Acts Volunteer Coordinator at: or call 607 490 760 844