Dear A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partners,
By His grace, we were able to fruitfully worship, train, outreach and or pray with His existent and potential A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partners, Volunteer Evangelists and Board of Advisors (BOA) members travelling around the world with discount airlines, trains and buses along the east coast of Australia, across Taiwan, the south coast of China, Hong Kong and the United States.
Please praise our Father with us that:
1) He provided networking with Victoria who coordinated meetings with Taiwan elders, pastors, and introduce us in a meeting of over 1,000 tribal elders in May. We worshiped with these Aboriginal people for several days, encountering the JOY of the Lord in their prayers, dancing, and sharing of their experience in God’s presence.
2) Papa Gau, an Aboriginal Christian tribal elder, is teaching his people how to turn their vegetable gardens into lucrative organic crops giving poor people the opportunity for income and growth.
3) Cindy, an Aboriginal Taiwan Christian from Tai Pei and A.C.T.S. BOA member, Colin Cotterill’s chemical supplier accompanied us to the first meeting of over 1,000 Christian members of all of the 14 Aboriginal Christian tribes in Taiwan.
4) Roger Huang, a member of a government approved church in Xiamen, China, brought us together with members of his business/English students and Christian friends in Xiamen.
5) Jared and Sau Man Weich, A.C.T.S. BOA members, helped us with Taiwan and YWAM networking, and Dennis Balcomb, known throughout Hong Kong as a person who helped in the 1960’s foster Christianity in HK, introduced us to Candice Swanson and her friend, retiring South African missionaries whom shared their relationship with their Aboriginal Chinese friends in Da Pu, China.
Please pray for:
Dawn and Malcolm Obst’s family will prayerfully grow in grace, unity and inspiration as they grieve the loss of Dawn’s mother, Dawn’s uncle and cousin who passed on.
Dawn and Malcolm Obst’s follow up to the outreaches in local communities with the help of a multicultural team in the greater Wagga Wagga area.
Wisdom, protection for their Christlike behavior and resources for A.C.T.S. Regional Coordinators, Carl & Hope Musch, and their team, as they bring A.C.T.S. outreach materials to 11 Aboriginal communities in 14 days. Safe travel to remote parts on rough roads. Provide where people are hungry for fellowship and the word of God, especially with Bible college students who have been effective in their communities but need further teaching.
Sponsorship ($39/month) of A.C.T.S. Volunteer Evangelists (i.e. Dawn & Malcolm Clay Obst, JongIl & Pearl Kim & Carl & Gail Musch) from 5 now to 100+ by 31/12/15.
Pastors, mentors, teachers and Christian friends for each new Christian, especially in Narromine, Tweed Heads, N.S.W. and the 25+ Australian communities in revival.
Demonic strongholds (i.e Queensland Australia: Cairns, Cooktown, Hopevale, Laura, Townsville, Wujal Wujal and Southern China: (ie: Shen Zhen, Xiamen and New Territories/Hong Kong plus Taipe) that A.C.T.S. will bring the “Jesus for Children” Tour in 2015 will be stung and broken down through your prayers prior to our eminent arrival.
The unsaved relatives and friends of A.C.T.S. 15,000+ Action Prayer Partners, 106 Volunteer Evangelists (JongIl Kim, and Dennis & Thomas Jerrard).
Healing to our lost relatives and friends, (ie. Ian de Mol’s son, James, with a cancerous tumor and Elaine who is in hospital with stents being put into her body).
God will enable A.C.T.S. Volunteer Communications Family (i.e. Doug Parsons, Larry Coombs, Jenn Mears, Pam Thibault, Andrew Boylan, and Robbie Wilson) to significantly enhance the effectiveness and focus of A.C.T.S. DVD’s, digital communications, and letters to raise sponsorship for each of A.C.T.S. most fruitful child evangelists.
Protection and complete healing, and 100% cure, for each of A.C.T.S. Action Prayer Partners (i.e. Colin Cotterill, John Tonga, Carol Schaeffer’s , brother Bob, and Fred Schaeffer’s sister, Joyce Weliky).
Protection and guidance in faith for Willy Tonga as he is living in France for his football career. May he remember his family’s teachings through his youthful years.
Max Conlon who is in hospital with chest pains in Mergon, QLD.
Please, please, please email your praises and prayer requests so Fred and Carol can pray and or encourage up to 15,000 Action Prayer Partners like you to petition our Heavenly Father with and for you.
In His Joy,
Rev. Fred and Carol Schaeffer